
Package Pickup 2013

We traveled to Northern California to pick up 2013 packages. Here we are, back in Utah and unloading. About half of our packages were sold as such and half will be turned into nucs and then sold.  

All who ordered picked up their packages successfully. This is a feat in itself with order changes, date changes from the bee breeder, equipment pickup, major road construction, multiple pickup locations, and hundreds of (fabulous) customers. Customers came from Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Idaho. We had a very low bee mortality rate, which means the driver did a great job trucking the bees! Bees were in great shape to get started. 

The office staff

I love this rose beekeeping veil! So pretty! Stan got it when he was over in Russia.

Stan answering a few last-minute beekeeping questions. This just looks like great beekeeping talk. 

A friendly insect

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