
Installing packages

Here we are getting ready to install some packages. One of these three will be installed into the box behind. 

It’s finally here! Many of our customers have requested a video demonstration of how to install a honeybee package by shaking. Enjoy!


Also. . . 
Install the packages as soon as possible after you receive them. It is best to do this in late afternoon or EARLY morning. Wait if it is raining or snowing. 

Do not use smoke when installing the package. The smoke can confuse bee pheromones and cause drift. 

If you need to store packages, keep them in a cool, dark, quiet place. Ideally, the temperature should be between 50 and 70 degrees F. Spray light sugar syrup on the screen cage about every 4 hours. Don’t drown the bees.


Gardening for honeybees

Seeds for a Bee Garden
Seed packet from House of Bees to grow your own honeybee-friendly garden.

We recently received a seed packet sample from House of Bees ( www.houseofbees.com). We produce honey and I love to garden and when I saw their packet, I thought, “Why didn’t I think of that?” We have already started some seeds from it and I can’t wait to see all the flowers! It includes phacelia, catnip, lemon mint, purple coneflower, bachelor’s button, coriander, lemon balm, and borage. 

Their website reminds us to plant a variety of flowers that bloom all season, and to leave a bit of wild space in the yard. Bees like large patches of the same flower best. 

And then I remembered a USU Extension publication on bee gardening. (They have one on butterfly gardening too, in case you are interested.) It is gardening information for attracting native bees, but honeybees will like most of these too. Here is the link. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/plants-pollinators09.pdf

The real strength of this document is the 5-page table of plants. 

It includes an awesome key I love how they include lots of Utah-native and water-wise plants. Happy gardening!