
Recommended Beekeeping Manual

I recently came across a new (to me) beekeeping manual put out by the University of Minnesota Extension Bee Lab. I am a long time admirer of Dr. Marla Spivak and her work on hygienic bees. I was delighted to find a beginning beekeeping manual put out by her lab and associates, Dr. Basil Furgala, and Mr. Gary S. Reuter. 

Here it is: Beekeeping in Northern Climates. It is available, along with Honey Bee Diseases and Pests from the University of Minnesota Bookstore online. Both books together were around $20, after shipping. For us, it is rare to find a manual that matches our ideas about beekeeping so closely. There are some differences in wintering bees in Minnesota compared with Utah, but otherwise, it is spot on.

One of my favorite features is the plant list with bloom times. It is quite similar to Utah.

In Honeybee Diseases and Pests, I enjoyed the full color photo insert in the middle of the book. It is very illustrative of the things they discuss in the book. 

Here’s one beekeeper’s wife (me) sending out a big thanks to Drs. Furgala, Spivak, and Mr. Reuter! Great work and thanks for all the information you put out. To order your own copy, click here.

I read on their site that there will be a free online bee disease course coming summer 2013. I look forward to it.

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